Get Started

Want to create an AMP page? These instructions will show you how to quickly get up and running with one of the AMP Start templates

Step 1: Pick a template

Choose a template that suits your needs. Click "Download" to grab the template's code, and save the file as an HTML file. The file contains all the HTML, JavaScript, and CSS needed to render the page.

Step 2: Replace the content

At this point, you have a valid and styled AMP page, but without your content. To make the page your own, replace the images and content. If you need to customize the page further, see the steps below.

Step 3: Customize the page structure

You can customize the AMP page to suit your needs. If there are components you'd like to add, just copy/paste the particular UI component into the page. If there are components you don't need, simply remove that code from the page.

Step 4: Customize the styles

Apply basscss classes or AMP Start classes to your HTML to apply built-in styles. For more fine-grained styling, you can modify/override the CSS for these classes (just remember to minify your CSS when you’re done).

Step 5: Test and publish the page

Check that your AMP page is valid by using an AMP validator. After uploading your page to your server or CMS, verify that it works as you expected. For example, if you want to see how your page renders in Google Search, try the Search Console's "AMP Test" tool. This is a tool provided by Google that will validate your page, and provide a preview of how your page would appear on a Google Search page.

Step 6: Provide feedback

Once you’ve deployed your customized page, please give us feedback on how AMP Start has worked for you. What worked, what didn’t, and what you'd like to see in the future.